Compliance Information for Management

Ethical Responsibility

It is projected that there will be over 100 fatal work related electrical injuries in the United States this year. It is your responsibility to provide a safe work environment.

Legal Responsibility

OSHA – The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) written by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to identify and communicate workplace hazards and provide the necessary personal protective equipment (Part 1910.132 (d)). OSHA has the authority to fine employers where provisions are lacking. Note that in general, OSHA isn’t actively seeking to fine employers for electrical safety related items. But if onsite for an audit or investigation of any type, OSHA may look into electrical safety related work practices and related details which may result in a penalty/citation/fine.  Civil – The Unites States is a litigious society and many companies feel the cost of full compliance is less than the risk of legal liability. The California Supreme Court recently ruled to allow civil litigation for a workplace accident (SOLUS INDUSTRIAL INNOVATIONS, LLC v. Superior Court of Orange County, 2018).

Financial Benefit

Money spent on safety has been shown to have a significant return on investment. Safety compliance can lower insurance rates. Electrical injury hospitalizations are more costly than standard hospitalizations due to the nature of burn injuries. In addition to injury and death, electrical arc flash incidents can cause significant damage to property which may result in the loss of power. Consider the time it would take to replace a main distribution panel and consider the resulting business losses. Compliance with arc flash safety concepts does not guarantee incidents will not happen, but compliance and training does reduce the likelihood of an event.